Terms of Use and Privacy Policy


The terms of use described below refer to the website www.experiama.com (referred to as «website») and determine the use of the service (referred to as «service») that is offered through the website. The service provider is Vasileios Mantas, Psychiatrist, based in Athens, email:mantas.vasilios@yahoo.com (referred to as «service provider»). The «service» offers the remote, through the internet, collection of data from users, their automated rating and their organization in a database for further analysis.

You should read the present document carefully and use this «service» only if you fully comprehend and agree, without any hesitation, with those terms. By subscribing, accessing or using this «service», you agree that you are legally bound by the terms of use, equally to having signed those terms. If you disagree with the terms of use or the confidentiality agreement, and you are not able/willing to be bound by those terms, do not browse the «website», do not subscribe to the «service» and in general do not use in any way this «service».


The term «participant» is used to refer to any subscribed user who chooses this role upon using the «service», and as such they are able to choose, participate and complete the «experiments» that are available to them, the term also refers to any subscribed user who chooses to participate in any «experiment» that is uploaded on the «website» irrespective of the way that they have ended up participating in this «experiment», ex. invitation, suggestion, link.
The term «researcher» is used to refer to any user who chooses this role upon using the «service», and as such they are able to conduct «experiments» and collect data from «participants», the term also refers to any subscribed user who participates as a collaborator in an «experiment».
From now on, in these terms, we will refer to both the «participant» and the «researcher» as «user»/«users».
The term «experiment» refers to the entirety of questionnaires and tasks that each «researcher» creates in order to collect answers to these from the «participants».

You can use this «service» only if you have subscribed to it. You must use the subscription form that is available on our website if you are interested in using this «service» either as a «researcher» or «participant».

Legal use

This «service» is available only for personal, non commercial use, according to the terms and conditions that are described in the present document. As a result, reselling, distributing, using, coping, monitoring, developing, downloading or reproducing any contents or information, software, products or services that are available on the «website», for any commercial or competitive use or intent is completely prohibited.

Conditions of subscription and use

Only individuals that have the right to legal practice and are eighteen years old or above can subscribe and use this «service». Upon subscription you agree to:
1)Provide true, accurate, complete and up to date information concerning yourself, wherever this is necessary, while using the «service» as well as update this information when necessary. The «service» is not obliged to monitor or check the accuracy of the information that you provide. If any of the information you have provided is not in accordance to these rules or if there are valid reasons to assume that this information is not truthful, you could be denied subscription, or your account could be suspended or immediately terminated, without previous warning, you could also be denied of any and every use, present or future, of this «service». Any usernames that are considered offensive could be deleted, as well as if they contain a link or email address.
2)Not use this «service» with any illegal intent· in any way that interrupts, harms, reduces or compromises the efficiency of this «service»· to transfer documents that contain viruses, trojans or other harmful software· to access or try to access other users' accounts, to penetrate or try to bypass any security measures· to distribute any content that is defamatory, disrespectful or disturbing, threatening or abusive for any individual or groups of individuals, based on their religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, age or disability or anything similar· to advertise or promote your products or services or those of others.
3)Not use this «service» to cause disruption, unrest or suffering.
4)Refrain from doing anything that could reasonably be considered disreputable or able to harm our reputation or could be suspected as such.
5)Reimburse and fully defend us from any claim or legal actions against us from any other person, as a result of you violating the current agreement.
6)Not: (i)use, amend or incorporate in another software or create a product from any component of this «service», (ii)shell, let (or sublet), rent, assign, transfer, pledge or share your rights to or with anyone else, (iii)copy, distribute or reproduce part or a product of our «service» to benefit others, (iv)amend, dismantle, disassemble, reassemble or improve the software or try to uncover the source code of this «service».

Liability Disclaimer

Each «user» is solely responsible to preserve the confidentiality of the email address and password that they have chosen to register in our «service». The «service provider» is not responsible for any damage that could be caused by revealing the password to others or by use of the password from third parties, to gain access to your account.

The «service provider» is not responsible for any damage that could be caused by user who have copied, transferred, distributed or executed any similar action, to content that is protected and used on the «website» by violating third party rights.

The «service» is offered as it is, without any responsibility to maintain and preserve its functionality. The «service provider» offers the «service» «EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS». Under no circumstances is the «service provider» responsible for any demands of legal, civil or criminal nature nor is the «service provider» responsible for any damage/harm/loss (positive, specific or negative) caused to the users of this website.
The «service provider» should make every possible effort to secure the proper function of the website, however, under no circumstances do they guarantee that the function of the servers will be uninterrupted or free from errors, viruses, malware or other similar elements.
The «service provider» does not guarantee that any website linked to their website or the servers through which any relevant service becomes available to users/visitors will not contain viruses or malware, additionally, they do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or availability of the contents, websites, services, choices or results from their use.
The «service provider» without guaranteeing and consequently, without being responsible, is making every possible effort to ensure that the information and the content of the «website» are accurate, they are not however responsible, under no circumstances including that of negligence, for any kind of damage that the user of this «website» or «service» might suffer.
Additionally, the «service provider» does not bear any responsibility concerning the content of the «experiments» that are uploaded or published on the «website». This responsibility falls entirely on the «researcher» that publishes these «experiments». Any legal claim arising form the content of these «experiments», falls directly and solely on the «researcher» and not on the «service provider».

Concerning the reliability of the data that are collected as part of the «experiments» that are uploaded on the website, but also concerning their deletion (complete or partial), solely responsible is the «researcher». Any questions or demands concerning these matters should be addressed to the «researcher» who is responsible for each experiment and who should also address any questions or demands concerning their «experiment».

Each «researcher» is solely responsible for obtaining any necessary permission for their «experiments» including permission to administer questionnaires and permission from the ethics committee, the «researcher» is also responsible to inform the «participant» and obtain their consent to participate in each «experiment».

Finally, the «service provider» is not responsible for the violation of the copyrights or rights of other parties concerning any information or materials that have been uploaded on the «website», the «service provider» is also not responsible for any information or materials that have been uploaded on the «website» from unauthorized or illegal persons/means/mechanisms.

Every «participant», as part of their participation in specific «experiments», is responsible for the content of their answers.

Intellectual property rights

Any part or the entirety of the content, including but not limited to the trademarks, logos, symbols, domain names, industrial plans, images, photographs, font images, icons, browsing tools, text, including the software or related products and goods that appear on the «website», are protected by intellectual property rights and belong to the «service provider» or third parties that have been authorized by the «service provider» to develop such products/property. The user consents to respect the intellectual property rights of the «service provider» and others and acknowledges that intellectual property cannot be used in any way and by any means, without the written consent of its rightful owner.

The «service provider» grants a non exclusive, non transferable right to use the software and the service, exclusively and solely for your own personal, non commercial use, according to the current terms. All rights that are not explicitly granted to you are property of the «service provider» and other franchisees of the «service».

Privacy policy

The «service» collects personal data under the scope of its optimal function, the improvement of the experience and the ease of its users. Within the framework of providing this service, it is possible to collect and further process the following personal data:
1)Identification data, including username, email, user registration code and date of registration, IP address, type of web browser, computer's type and operating system. The «service» might use this information in order to send updates, notifications or for any other reason that they deem valid to inform you about.
2)Demographic information including gender, height, address, medical history. The submission, complete or partial, of this information is by no means a requirement for the registration or use of the «service», this entirely depends on the free will and judgement of each «user», this information is used to improve the experience and operation of the «service» for the «users» and submission of this information occurs willingly and «users» could at any moment delete it. The «service» can share this information with the «researchers», when the «researchers» deem the collection of this information as a necessary requirement for their «experiment», once the «participants» express an active interest to participate and the «researchers» obtain their informed consent for participation. Moreover, the «service» can use this information to determine whether «participants» could access «experiments» based on the selection criteria that have been defined by the «researchers» for their «experiments».
The «service» may process part of or the entirety of this user information for statistical analyses, to improve the services that it offers or for research purposes.

When browsing on the «website», information is temporarily stored on your computer that could used to identify the users based on the cookies technology. The use of cookies permits collection of information around the users’ visit to the website which is necessary for the services provided by this «website». This information alone does not allow the identification of the user. By browsing the website, you implicitly consent to the use of cookies. If you do not agree with the way we utilize cookies, you should not be using our «website». If you deactivate the cookies we use, this could impede your browsing experience in our «website» as well as your ability to use the «service».

Responsible for processing the aforementioned personal information is the «service provider».

Regarding the personal information that concerns you, you have the following rights:
a)access rights, meaning the right to be informed about whether your personal information is being processed.
b)correction rights, meaning the right to demand the correction of inaccurate information of a personal nature.
c)deletion rights, meaning the right to demand for your personal information to be deleted.
d)processing restriction rights when the accuracy of the information is being disputed, is illegal or for other reasons.
e)right to data transferability, meaning the right to request all data that concerns you, but also to transfer this data to another person responsible for processing them and
f)right to object to the processing of your personal data, with the exception of urgent or legal reasons to process them that outweigh your interests, your rights and your freedoms.

Within the range of options that are offered by the «service», each «researcher», can use the «service» to collect data of their choice from the «participants». The service offers the possibility to temporarily store and process the data in a manner that is deemed appropriate from the assigned «researcher» who is in charge. Responsible for the processing of the data is each assigned «researcher». For anything that is related to a specific «experiment», responsible is the «researcher» whose account has been used to create that experiment, notwithstanding any collaborators or third parties that the «researcher» might have added to their «experiments», their actions or their role as well as the responsibilities that are assigned to them. Each assigned «researcher» and each collaborator to whom the assigned «researcher» has granted this right, can make and store copies of the data in personal storage devices. Each assigned «researcher» is solely responsible to obtain permission for their «experiment», including permission to administer questionnaires as well as the permission to conduct the research from an ethics committee. Additionally, they should inform and obtain informed consent from each «participant» who participates in each of their «experiments». Each assigned «researcher» is entirely responsible for the reliability of the data that were collected in their «experiments» as well as for the processing and deletion of this data. Any concerns or questions regarding the above should be addressed to the assigned «researcher», who will process all requests that concern their «experiment». Each interaction between the «researcher» and the «participant» is governed by the terms that the parties have predefined, and in every «experiment» these terms should be written down and be accessible to «participants». The relationship between the «researcher» and the «participant» initiates the moment the «participant» participates in the «researcher's» «experiment». Each «participant»is entirely responsible for their participation in «experiments» and the content of the answers that they provide.

Lease of «service»

To participate in this «service» as a «researcher» and consequently to be able to collect data from other users who are «participants», the user should pay the amount that corresponds to the services that they require, the height of this amount is defined by the «service provider» who every time, should notify the «researcher» and obtain their agreement.

The amount of money for the «service» may vary for each user and depends on the requirements that «researchers» have for this «service» as well as the time period during which these demands are made. The users, through payment, acquire iconic units (referred to as «units») which they can spend in order to collect data. Additionally, they pay an amount for the use and maintenance of the «service», in the form of an annual (365 days) subscription. If the annual subscription is not renewed, upon expiry, the «units» are lost and no compensation is offered.

The «service provider» can, from time to time, adjust the cost of the «units» and the maintenance cost, even per user, according to their commercial policy. In any case, the user should be notified, in a timely manner, for the cost of the «service». Any cost adjustments apply to new payments and are not applied retrospectively. Completion of payment, equals to the complete agreement to its cost.
The person trading with the «service» is entirely responsible for registering accurately, completely and truthful the payment details, they also expressly recognize that the «service provider» does not bear any responsibility for the payment details or their proper use.

Payments are made online through credit or debit or prepaid cards.

If the payment date falls on a non-working day, the debit or credit orders could be executed on the next working day. The user must ensure sufficient funds in the credit or debit card account or the prepaid card, in order to collect the payment amount on the payment date. Payment of any costs for the use of the «service» does not depend on how frequently the «service» is used.

The «service provider» reserves the right to denounce the present agreement, without any cost for themselves, for important reasons, including:
a)when the «service» is used in violation of the present terms of use and/or the current legislation, and
b)in any other case where users do not comply with any of the obligations mentioned in the current agreement that are all considered essential.
If this agreement is denounced, for any of the reasons mentioned above, the amount that has been paid by the user is not returned to them. The «service provider» reserves the right for any additional reimbursement demands in which it is explicitly included any recovery of moral damage, as well as any more specific damage to the reputation of the current website/service etc.

The «service provider» reserves the right to terminate the «service» for any reason and freely, whenever they deem that this is necessary, without any further obligation. In the case where the «service» is terminated, the remaining monetary amount of the maintenance fee that corresponds to the percentage of the 365 days when the service will be terminated would be returned, additionally, the amount that corresponds to the remaining «units», based on the price that was valid when «units» were last bought by the user, will also be returned.

Obligation to report

In every research publication or public announcement of the research or the research results for which the «service» has been used, the contribution of the «service» should properly be acknowledged including the relevant article "Mantas, V. (2023). medicalresearch. gr Introduction to a new online platform for collecting experimental data. Archives of Hellenic Medicine/Arheia Ellenikes Iatrikes, 40(5)".

Jurisdiction, Validity and Modifications

The «service provider» can, occasionally, amend the terms of use. The amended terms take effect upon their publication in the aforementioned website. Access to the «website» or use of the «service» after the publication of the amended terms of use is considered an agreement with the existing terms of use.

Moreover, it is possible that additional/complementary terms might be in use for parts of the «service». These additional terms will be made known to you and are complementary to the existing terms of use, they are considered a indispensable part of the terms of use and to the extend that they differ from the existing terms of use, the complementary/additional terms will take effect.

The terms and conditions of use of the current website as well as any amendment or change in these terms are governed and supplemented by the Greek and European Community Low, and the relevant international agreements, they are interpreted based on the rules of good faith, the business ethics and the financial and social purpose of the right. Any section of the aforementioned terms that is proven not be in accordance with the above legal framework or is no longer valid, is automatically not valid and should be removed from this document, without affecting, in any case, the validity of the remaining terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions of use of the current website constitute a complete agreement between the «service provider» and the user/visitor to the «website» and the «service» and are only binding to these parties. Any change in those terms and conditions should not be considered or constitute part of this agreement, if this is not explicitly written and incorporated in the existing terms. Unless it is stated otherwise, upon uploading them on the «website», these terms instantly take effect in their entirety.
The «service provider» unilaterally reserves the right to amend, add or change the content or the services of the website, as well as the terms of use, whenever it is deemed necessary.
The court of law responsible for any dispute that might arise is the Greek Courts and specifically the Athenian Courts.